Social & Ethical Policy
Consolidated will seek to be sensitive to the local community’s culture and social and economic needs in the operation of our business. We will endeavour to protect and preserve the environment in which we operate.
General Policy Statement
This Policy applies to all parts of the company, wherever located. The Company is committed to:
- Respecting the rule of law, conducting our business with integrity and showing respect for the rights of the individual wherever we do business.
- Creating mutual advantage in all our relationships so that people trust us and want to work with us.
- Demonstrating respect for the environment and working continuously to improve business processes and practices to reduce the impact of our operations.
- Managing our financial performance to maximise long-term value for our shareholders.
This policy statement is the foundation on which we build and conduct our business and we expect all employees to support all elements of the policy.
The Company will apply the following principles in our relationships with all our employees:
- We will operate in compliance with the law, rules and regulations of the country in we provide a service.
- We will not use directly or indirectly any indentured or forced labour.
- We will not employ any person below the minimum legal age. Furthermore, we will not employ any persons under the age of 16 years old and will not allow those under 18 years old to work at night or in hazardous conditions.
- We will ensure that wage rates will not be less than that required by law. We will also ensure that any legally mandated benefits are provided. Itemised pay advices will be provided to all employees to cover each pay period and deductions from pay will not be made for disciplinary purposes.
- We will comply with all legally mandated work hours. Overtime will be worked and compensated according to local practices and laws. We will not require employees to work excessive hours.
- We will not subject employees to discrimination on the basis of their sex; colour; race or belief.
Health & Safety
We are committed to providing health & safety systems and procedures of a standard at least equivalent to those of comparable companies of good reputation.
We are committed to open and honest relationships with customers and to honouring the terms of business agreed between us. We will provide the quality and standards of service agreed with our customers and will treat all customer complaints seriously and will have a system in place to answer all complaints in a timely manner.
We will apply the provisions of Section 6 (Personal Conduct) of this Policy in our dealings with customers.
Suppliers and Sub-contractors
We are committed to open and honest relationships with our suppliers and sub-contractors and to honouring the terms of business agreed between us. We will apply the provisions of Section 6 (Personal Conduct) of this Policy in our dealings with customers and sub-contractors.
Suppliers and sub-contractors will be expected to comply with the provisions of Section 2 (Employees) of this Policy.
We will agree with agents’ clear terms of reference detailing the boundaries within which they may act on our behalf. Commission, fees, retainers and all other payments to agents will be clearly related to and commensurate with the services performed.
We will seek to be sensitive to the local community’s culture and social and economic needs in the operation of our business. We will endeavour to protect and preserve the environment in which we operate.
Employees Personal Conduct
General Standards of Conduct
The Company relies on its employees as individuals to practice the highest moral and ethical standards in all their business activities. While we fully respect the privacy of employees’ personal lives, we expect all employees to conduct their personal affairs so that the performance of their obligations to the Company is not prejudiced and the reputation of the Company is maintained.
Conflicts of Interest
It is the responsibility of employees to ensure that business decisions, processes or transactions are free from bias. Employees must declare all conflicts of interest and disclose all pertinent factors to management.
Employees must maintain the confidentiality of customer, supplier and third party information. Employees are also expected to keep confidential any company information that is confidential or commercially sensitive.
Deception & Dishonesty
Employees must avoid any actions involving deception, sharp practice or fraud, and any other action, which could give rise to improper personal gain. Employees must only use the Companies property, resources, and information for proper business purposes and not for personal gain.
We will not tolerate any form of sexual, physical or mental harassment of employees of the Company or of any company or organisation with which the Company does business.
Fraud & Malpractice
Employees must report cases of fraud or malpractice, which come to their attention. Local managers are responsible for establishing and communicating to employees a clear method for such reporting, including a means of bypassing immediate supervisors if they are part of the malpractice.
Strict adherence to this Policy is a condition of employment. Team Leaders and Project Managers are responsible for ensuring the principles set out are communicated and acted upon within their departments. It is also their responsibility to monitor compliance and take prompt remedial action where necessary. Compliance will also be subject to review by Operations Audit.