Corporate Policy
Health & Safety Statement
Consolidated has a fully documented Health and Safety Policy supplied by a qualified health and safety representative. A copy of this policy is available on request.
An inspection is undertaken of clients’ site prior to work being undertaken. A full risk assessment is carried out to establish a safe working environment.
It is the policy of Consolidated that its operations are carried out at all times in such a way as to ensure, so far as it is reasonably practicable, the health, safety, and welfare of all its employees and all persons likely to be affected by its operations including sub-contractors and, where appropriate, the public.
This policy is the direct responsibility of Mr. G Coleman, Company Safety Officer who is charged with its overall implementation. Mr. G Coleman is responsible for all safety matters in Consolidated and is Chairman of the Safety Committee. The Safety Committee is responsible for implementing and ensuring that the Policy is applied throughout all Company operations. It prepares monthly and quarterly reports concerning all accidents and compiles figures to indicate the safety performance of each large contract.
The Consolidated Safety Committee meets at three monthly intervals. The Committee reviews all reportable accidents for the previous three months together with statistical information prepared by the Company Safety Officer. The Committee has the power to call for special reports, make investigations and can impose penalties on sites if standards of safety, health and welfare are considered to be unsatisfactory.
The Company Safety Officer is conversant with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regs 1999. It is his duty to advise management on all safety matters and to visit all contracts and other places of work as frequently as possible. He will carry out site inspections at the time of each visit and report his findings on the Inspection Report Forms. A copy of each report is left with site management, a copy is sent to the Managing Director and a further copy goes to the Company Safety Committee so that suitable actions are taken by all concerned.
The Company Safety Officer undertakes all arrangements for the instruction of all levels of staff as may be appropriate to ensure proper observance of the requirements of the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regs 1999, in so far as they concern the construction industry.
At each contract site or other places of work, a member of Consolidated site staff (Site Supervisor) is responsible for the day-to-day arrangements for safe working and for the application and success of the safety policy on his contract.